Book Review: The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck: How to Stop Spending Time You Don't Have with People You Don't Like Doing Things You Don't Want to Do By Sarah Knight

The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck: How to Stop Spending Time You Don't Have with People You Don't Like Doing Things You Don't Want to Do

Genre: Self Help, Nonfiction, Humor
"Are you stressed out, overbooked, and underwhelmed by life? Fed up with pleasing everyone else before you please yourself? It's time to stop giving a f*ck.
This brilliant, hilarious, and practical parody of Marie Kondo's bestseller The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up explains how to rid yourself of unwanted obligations, shame, and guilt--and give your f*cks instead to people and things that make you happy.
The easy-to-use, two-step NotSorry Method for mental decluttering will help you unleash the power of not giving a f*ck about: 
Family dramaHaving a "bikini body"IcelandCo-workers' opinions, pets, and childrenAnd other bullsh*t! And it will free you to spend your time, energy, and money on the things that really matter. So what are you waiting for? Stop giving a f*ck and start living your best life today!"
Since this book is a parody of Marie Kondo's book, you would think that you would have to read it to understand how this book was so. Fortunately you don't have to read it because Knight gives enough context to understand it, though I have read it prior to reading this.

Although I understand the message that Knight is trying to convey to the reader, which is basically to learn when and how to stop giving a f*ck and begin pleasing yourself instead of giving in to pleasing others, I think she tried a bit too hard and her execution feel short. When I began reading it, I was enjoying it, but then as I continued, I began to be annoyed when I realized the repetition of the message, which is to "stop giving a f*ck". It felt like the phrase was being drilled into my head and I got tired of reading the same thing and got bored. To be completely honest, this book could have been written much shorter, then that way I would have enjoyed it much more and it didn't seem like Knight was trying to stretch her message farther than it could allow.

Overall, I didn't particularly dislike this book, but it definitely could have been better. Then again this is just my opinion and someone else probably enjoyed it more and perhaps the flaws I saw may not be flaws to them.

Overall rating: 2/5


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